Friday, February 15, 2008

DayBRIGHT: Proposal + Test Video

The idea behind the DayBRIGHT project is to be able to visualize data through HDR light probes being influenced by various types of datasets. Each dataset, be it an RSS weather forecast, webcam frame sequence, arbitrary color selection, or any other value - will be translated into a common format to be applied to a core HDR image.

The DayBRIGHT project will be encapsulated within a core software application which will communicate with various data feeds. As mentioned, each type of data will be converted to a common format: a color gradient. A color gradient will allow for analysis of RGBA, as well as time by sampling across its length. Depth can also be calculated by converting RGBA to luminance values.

To render the results, the initial solution will be to use 3Delight, an implementation of the Renderman standard, first introduced by Pixar. Using Renderman will allow for programming flexibility and high-quality renders at HD resolutions, if needed. An example of the early results is shown below, where an orange -> cyan color gradient has been applied:

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