Monday, March 3, 2008

DayBRIGHT: Post-Processing

Changing gears a bit, I decided to begin writing in some post-image processing functionality to DayBRIGHT to handle the final image output. The first post-process was writing a color noise filter that blended a 1:1 ratio of random colored pixels with each rendered image . This is done to counter the fact that the illusion of computer graphics being reality is often blown due to a discrepancy in noise artifacts across the image, most commonly noticed when graphics are composited with film or video footage. Even without footage, the human mind does not normally process perfectly smooth color and shape with reality. Reality rarely has instances of complete visual fidelity, at least from an everyday human perspective.

Fig 1.1: Simple color noise composite process

Another post-process that is necessary was gamma correction. The algorithm resulting from the equation is straight-forward, where a gamma corrected set of values from 0-255 is created, then each RGB value from the given image is changed to the gamma corrected equivalent. Below is the simple math equation for gamma correction and corresponding algorithm in (non-optimized) Python code:

Fig 1.2: Gamma correction equation

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