Wednesday, April 23, 2008

GLSL Fruit Shaders

Fig 1.1: Screen captures of orange and apple shaders

For an OpenGL project I am helping fellow NYU-ITP graduate student Matt Parker with; I developed two real-time shaders written in GLSL to be applied to poly-spheres representing two types of fruit: apples and oranges. Due to the sheer number of spheres being displayed, the object on my end was to get a high-amount of surface detail using a limited amount of polygons. To accomplish this, I used a combination of displacement and normal mapping calculation in the shader, meaning that all surface detail is accomplished through the GPU.

I have already written about how displacement is done through shaders - the very same technique I used in the past was also used in this set of shaders:
Geometry Displacement through GLSL

Color variance along the geometric surface in regard to light has changed apart from my past shader work, where I have written in ambient and specular calculations through accessing the light (L) and given surface material (M), where:



Specular (where H is the given half-vector):

To simulate the surface shape variance needed to pull off the appearance of an orange, a popular technique called "bump-mapping" was used. Bump-mapping is generally accomplished by having a normal-map which is sampled as XYZ vectors which are supplemented across the geo-normal matrix that the shader is applied to. The Lambert term for the normal is calcuated, which is simply the dot product of the normal and the light direction. If the lambert term is above 0.0, calcuate specular and add to the final color for the fragment. Here is some sample code to illustrate:

vec3 N = texture2D(normalMap, gl_TexCoord[0].st).rgb *
2.0 - 1.0;
float lambert_term = max(dot(N,L),0.0);

if (lambert_term > 0.0) {
// Compute specular
vec3 E = normalize(eyeVec);
vec3 R = reflect(-L, N);
float specular = pow(max(dot(R, E), 0.0),
The finished shader encompasses texturing, displacement, and normal mapping, resulting in a nice aesthetic simulating a complex surface with light calculations matching the surface variance. All of this occurring on a low-poly (16 x 16) quadric sphere object. Rotation animation simulated in real-time of the orange shader below:

Fig 1.2: Orange shader rotation animation

Sources for general information/reference and equation images:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Maya: Fluid Gradient Programming (Plug-In)

Fig 1.1: Still of fluid-based fire simulation, with colors generated through plug-in gradient mapping system

I am currently developing a plug-in for Maya, a popular 3D modeling/animation package. The goal for the plug-in as a whole is to reinvent how fluid dynamic systems/effects are developed in Maya by constructing a node-based GUI which can be used within Maya, with each node encapsulating a current feature Maya fluids currently have - essentially adding on a layer of abstraction for the user to more easily generate simulations. The plug-in also aims to extend the current feature set of fluids within Maya.

I decided to start the development of the plug-in with a quick experiment, that being the integration of the generic gradient object class I developed earlier this semester with the Maya native gradient data driving color and incandescence. The aim being that images could be sampled and have their most dominate colors applied to the color/incandescence of the fluid voxel-system within Maya - thus automating the construction of the color palette for a given effect. The results and rendered video are posted below:

Fig 1.2: Default Maya Fluid Effects values

Fig 1.3: Early development of Maya plug-in as a drop-menu

Fig 1.4: Image chosen to have dominate colors sampled

Fig 1.5: Image sampled gradient constructed and mapped into Maya's attribute data

Fig 1.6: Fluid fire simulation animation, colors derived from gradient sampling without modification

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Animation: Luma-Displacement / Glow (OpenGL / GLSL)

Sphere with an animated displacement GLSL shader that calculates a glow / bloom effect along defined distance from midpoint.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Luma-Based Displacement

Fig 1.1: In-progress glacier shader with geometric displacement