Further documentation:
Sunghun with videos / images
Matt on construction / mechanics
For our group project, we wanted to develop a physical system to represent graphical depth data. We decided to use a collection of sine and noise waves to start off with - as using depth data really only makes (practical) sense with a 3D grid.
Using Processing, a straight-forward GUI was created featuring four buttons, with a graphical representation of the waves being dynamically created to the right of the buttons. The fourth button allows the user to paint his/her own wave (or any shape, for that matter) and the software will generate a visualization and physical output for the image painted.

Fig 1.1: Drawing canvas allows user to draw images to physically visualize

Fig. 1.2: Visualization of user input wave drawing
To sample each wave - an algorithm was written which samples across the width of a given image proportional to the resolution of the physical system - in our case, 20 samples. At each sample - the program checks to see how far down (Y) the image it takes in pixels before a color other than white is found. Upon finding a color, the value of that sample is received by the simple equation of :
sample_value = y_coord / (image_height / max_value)

Fig 1.3: Graphical representation of sampling method on wave images
In regard to feeding this data into the servo motor array - we decided to use four arduino microprocessors connected via USB to the computer running the software application; with each arduino effectively controlling five servos:

Fig 1.4: Computer / Arduino / Servo array configuration