On the ICM front - I made a decision a week ago that I would in fact use Python as my primary programming language opposed to my original choice of Java. Why? Well, as I mentioned in the past - Python is slow in regard to intensive computation in comparison to compiled languages such as C/C++ or Java. However, where Python shines is in its fast development time - and through its flexibility to glue together various components effectively. Without a doubt, hitting the visual high-bar I am aiming for in regard to the graphics in this project will put an enormous strain on Python - however, much of that strain can ideally be handled through C code, if necessary. I will be using an OpenGL binding called pyOpenGL - which is a mature library with strong documentation, so I should have information/learning support when I need it. For the GUI components, I will be using the wxPython toolkit - which allows for native OS widget use, so the program will automatically reflect the standard appearance of whatever OS the program is being run on. Very slick.

Fig 1.1: Shiver in early development, click to enlarge.
As for how the data will be represented, it will be done so on a 3D globe - much like applications such as Google Earth and NASA's World Wide Wind. When the applications gathers seismic data activity from the USGS - each event will be mapped to the globe according to its latitude and longitude values. Based on an event's Richter Scale value - the event will be visualized along the nearest normal to in correlation to its lat/long. mapping. Events can be selected through an easily organized directory structure tree, or on the globe itself. When selected - various attributes are displayed, as well as a simulation option - which leads us to the physical computing side of the project...
After sitting down with fellow ITP'er Sunghun Kim, we decided that we would like to team up and pursue a physical representation of seismic data that can be partnered with software I am developing for my ICM final. This idea will involve creating a 2D representation of the seismic events - dictated by the Richter scale value of each event. This will ideally result in a mesh being created by rods pushing and pulling at a rubber-like surface. Each rod will be driven of an average value of pixel color values dependent on the ratio between the rod count and the image resolution. Once a 2D simulation is established, it will ideally branch out to a 3D grid - but that is likely for another semester.